Monday 20 May 2013

When life becomes difficult, open up to the experience and find joy and peace.

Many times a particularly trying time in our life is followed by an experience of joy and peace.  This is where the lessons settle in.  I am well aware of this and always want to have an open heart and mind at this time.  It isn't about analyzing or picking apart every detail of the trauma or drama, it is about allowing it to be.  Knowing it has changed you in some way (as all life experience does) and appreciating that.  After a particularly emotional week this past week, I was again reminded of that this weekend.  What I wasn't prepared for was the way it unfolded.
I always tell my friends to "find what feeds your soul" and this weekend the Universe gave me what feeds my soul with little to no effort on my part.  I love when this happens as it reinforces my trust that life does always give us what we need (we just need to be open to it).  It took some work and a few missed attempts(!!), to find what feeds my soul, but eventually I did - creating connections with people and deepening those connections.  The right people showed up this weekend to deepen our connection and say some of the most beautiful things to me, I felt so much love, my soul was totally "filled up" with joy and peace.
I am always struck by the number of people I talk to who have no idea what feeds their soul.  Everyone is busy just trying to deal with the day to day "stuff".  A good place to start is to ask yourself some of these questions:  What am I doing when I feel the happiest? When do I feel the most like myself? What is the one thing that I really love and admire about myself? What is the one thing that if someone told me I could no longer do it, I would shrivel up and die inside?  When you find the answers (and yes they are inside of you, you just need some quiet reflective time to find them) you will be well on your way to finding the ideal menu for your soul. Only when we are totally "filled up" ourselves can we be the love and light that we need to take out into the world to change it for the better; one person at a time always paying it forward!!  - With Love, T

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