Monday 24 February 2014

Spiritual or Religious.

What does spirituality mean to you? Do you consider yourself a spiritual or religious person? Is it important to believe in something?  Having been raised in a traditional religious environment, I never fully understood what the difference between spirituality and religious really was until I was much older.  And while religion did not resonate with me, spirituality definitely did.  So what makes some people follow the religious path and others the spiritual path?  I believe part of it has to do with your basic personality and whether or not you tend to look for answers within or without. As I have talked about many times my way is to look within and I believe that is at the core of “spirituality”.  For those that look outside themselves, to a person/philosophy/belief etc for their answers I believe to be “religious”.  Both of these serve a purpose and are necessary for growth and enlightenment in the world.  In the end everyone is on their own path in this life and needs to follow what works for them.  I always remember the Dalai Lama saying that he first thought that Buddhism was the only way people could reach enlightenment, but now he understands that there are many different paths one can take.  I totally agree! When we have an experience in our lives, either religious or spiritual that brings us so much joy and happiness, we want to share it with everyone.  Sometimes our pesky ego gets a little too involved in this process and we try to “convince” others that our way should be their way.  I will admit to being guilty of this myself in the past, but have come to realize that the best way I can inspire others is by sharing and living my story.  I believe that it is very important to have a belief in something greater than yourself and that your life and the lives of others will be enriched by this.  But all of this needs to come in its own time and in its own way.  Many times we have to experience a complete separation from the Divine in order to come back to it and fully realize it.  I know for me it has been a journey, one step at a time.  I sometimes think why couldn’t I have fully understand that a few years ago, but the reality is I was not ready (I don’t always have a lot of patience!).  When you are ready to “get it” it will feel like the most natural thing and the piece will fit nicely into your puzzle. Eventually all of the pieces fit together and create the most beautiful picture of your life. This unique picture is what you share with the world and is your destiny. It is what makes the world a better place, it is the difference you make by having lived in it.
Follow your own way . . . .  to love, compassion and living your destiny!

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