Friday 1 November 2013

Speaking your Truth.

As a die hard people pleaser I have often found it difficult to speak my truth.  I know I have talked about this before and the importance of always being your authentic self, but this week I had such clarity around two experiences of speaking my truth that I wanted to share them with you.  Both of them were with people that are particularly close to me which can often be the hardest which makes it even more meaningful to me.

In one case I was able to speak my truth with someone who shares a very different belief system than me.  In the past I had many times not been fully honest about my thoughts and feelings in conversations with her and had often become defensive and opinionated.  I always left these encounters feeling unsettled wishing I would have said this or that, with no real closure.  This week I was able to share my beliefs in a calm manner and REALLY listen to hers.  What I found was that we actually did share a lot of the same ideas we are just coming at them from two different paths. We were able to connect in our shared love of humanity and service to others in a positive way instead of focussing on our differences.  At the end of the day there will always be things we don’t agree on, but I felt a closeness to her that I had not felt before.  I totally understand why she has chosen her path and why I have chosen mine, neither one wrong or bad just different.  I was also able to open my heart to allow some of her words to resonate with me and came away with some great ideas. Yay!!

In the second case I had been feeling that a connection with this person had lost its depth and meaning.  If there is one thing anyone who knows me will say it’s that I hate superficial conversation!  I had been allowing this in this relationship as it had been good in the past, but this week I reached my threshold.  I needed to inject meaning into this relationship or I needed to let it go. As it turned out this person was not interested in a more meaningful relationship or was not capable.  Either way I knew in that moment that this was no longer serving me and it was done.  Just because something has been good in the past doesn’t mean it always will be or needs to be.  Learn what you need to learn and move on.  You will know in your heart when that time is and then it will seem like the most natural thing.  Until then yes it will cause you some pain and suffering but that is what makes the letting go so much sweeter!

If you always speak your truth with everyone in your life, it allows them to either create a deeper connection with you or it sends them running for cover.  Either way you are better off as you are surrounding yourself with the people that feed your soul and the ones that don’t will naturally fall away. For me this week it felt like the most natural thing and has left me with a wonderful feeling of peace and lightness.  So grateful for life and its lessons!

My wish for you today is that you will take a chance, speak your truth, deepen a connection or let one go and share in my peace and lightness.


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