Monday 28 October 2013

Clear seeing or as I like to call it. . . .Clarity.

A few years ago a friend of mine and I were always searching for “clarity” we talked about how difficult it was and how we only seemed to get brief glimpses of it, him when he went for a run and me when walking in nature. Yoga and being in my physical body had been my introduction to this work, but I wanted something that would allow me to look deeper, into my mind and soul.  I decided to take a mindfulness meditation class and it was my first real view of what “clarity” looked and felt like.  It was definitely a life changing experience and changed me in ways I never would have expected.  Since that time I have fallen off the meditation wagon a few times, but thankfully when I do return I immediately start experiencing the benefits.  Even when I have fallen away from my practise as I look back I see that each time I come back I am wiser and feel it on a deeper level, so I don’t  judge myself or beat myself up about it, it all needed to unfold precisely as it has. I often say to people “you need to look at the situation exactly as it is, without emotion.  This will allow you to see it for what it truly is not what you want it to be.”  The only real lasting way I have found to do this is through meditation.  A regular practise of silence and quieting your mind can lead to such clarity, grounding and contentment you will wonder how you ever survived without it.  I know it is a difficult thing to do (believe me I have been there, trying to quiet my monkey mind!!), especially in today’s busy world, but I want you to know that it is worth it! 

There are many different meditation styles and philosophies, but whatever you chose it needs to work for you.  Trust your instinct, follow your heart, if an opportunity to try it is presented to you, go ahead and give it a go.  Start with 10 minutes daily of just sitting quietly in silence watching your thoughts, not attaching to them or letting them take you away to far off places, but just watching them.  A guided meditation is also a good beginning, Oprah and Deepak Chopra have a new free online one starting Nov 11th, if that feels right for you give it a try (I have done all of the ones they have done before and they are great, I love them!).  The path you chose is less important than the practise itself and the benefits you receive.

All of the answers to the questions in your mind, What is my destiny? Am I doing the right work? Am I in the right relationship? What am I passionate about? are available to you through meditation.  No they won’t hit you like a lightening bolt while you are sitting in lotus position. . .  but they will become clear to you in a way you won’t expect. You will seem to “know” exactly what you need to do or not do and the Universe will conspire to give you all that you need and desire. Don’t believe me? There is only one way to find out, EXPERIENCE it for yourself.  I challenge you!!

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