Saturday 9 August 2014

The Ultimate (Self) Pity Party.

I am very familiar with the self pity party having attended a few in my day.  I know it well, it’s a party for one that starts out with a lot of blaming and turns into; I am a bad mother, I am a bad friend, I am a bad wife, I am a bad person very quickly.  For me this party is usually a short one, but I do know sometimes they can go on for days, weeks or months.  These are the kind of  crappy party’s no one wants to go to and yet unfortunately we all do.

My most recent pity party lasted just about a week and to be honest I was struggling.  Having had quite a few months of bliss thanks to a spiritual growth spurt, I was caught off guard and thought I would be better equipped to handle this rough patch (ah the power of the ego).  Of course I tried my usual party tricks of distraction; watching mindless TV, eating bad food, not going out and as usual they did not work.  Then I tried analysis, Why am I feeling this? How could I have handled that better? Why am I not motivated?  A month ago I was totally happy living from my true self, being in the present moment, just living and being. What I learned from this is never underestimate the power of the mind/ego or the emotional debris we all have stored away in our hearts.  I was able to maintain my awareness through all of this and could “see” what was going on, but it was taking me longer.  When I did become aware I used Michael Singer’s technique from The Untethered Soul of “Relax and Release”.  When I felt the emotions rising I would breathe into them and relax and allow them to pass through me.  But this was obviously a little more powerful and didn’t want to release the way I would have liked!!  Thankfully one night I picked up Deepak Chopra’s Book of Secrets (that I keep on my nightstand for just these moments) and opened it up.  Right there on the page I opened he described a process for clearing emotional debris.  His method was to ALLOW the emotion, FEEL it and FOLLOW it all the way to the END.  This worked for me!  I allowed the pity party, I felt the pain of it and I followed it all the way to the end.  At the end I found the most wonderful thing. . . . my true self.  I am not a bad friend, I have so much love in my heart for all of humanity, I am not a bad mother, I have an amazing relationship with both of my children (even though I am sure I made plenty of mistakes) and I am not a bad person, I have a beautiful soul with so much love to share.  It was all there the whole time this party was going on (in my mind only) I just needed to uncover it.  . AGAIN! Spiritual/personal growth is an amazing journey but we need to understand that we still live in this human form.  I learned the importance of staying connected to my true self/soul, but I also learned that there will be times in my human existence that I may lose this connection.  I see now that these are all opportunities for growth and keep me inspired to continue on this path.  We are all spiritual beings living in a human form and everything that entails, so we may as well accept it, work with it and ultimately ENJOY it all!

Here’s hoping the next pity party you attend will be crashed early by your beautiful soul!!



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