Monday 4 August 2014

Intuition. . . your guide to clarity, focus, awareness and love.

This past weekend as I was cleaning out a closet I found a picture I had painted 7 years ago while visiting my artist Aunt (I myself am not much of an artist!).  I had totally forgot about even painting this picture but what struck me was that a short time ago during a meditation I was doing we were asked to create an image in our mind of something we would like to manifest.  I immediately had an image of me standing on a veranda of a tropical house looking out to the ocean in front of me, drinking a cup of coffee and feeling totally peaceful and content.  I remember at the time saying “I know I will have that one day, I don’t know when or how or where but someday I will be standing in that exact spot and I will remember this image”.  When I found the painting, I was amazed to see that it was an exact (and I use that term loosely) replica of my minds image.  I am not surprised that this image keeps coming up for me, but I now have a better understanding of why.  In my quest to get better acquainted and connected to my true self I am now seeing the fruits of that labour.

I often say that we “know” things at the deepest level of ourselves, the problem is that we often don’t listen or trust this inner guidance.  I only know this because I have experienced it!.  We are often so busy trying to find the answers in our “mind” constantly thinking. . . Why? When? Where? Who? How? That we don’t realize we already have the answers we are just unable to access them. Believe me I know this is not as easy as it sounds and has taken me some time to figure it out, but if I can do it so can you!  For me meditation was the window through which I saw that it was possible to go beyond my thinking mind.  I found my true self in the awareness behind my thoughts.  Once I was able to access the unlimited power of my soul I learned to trust it (not easy either and significantly improved with the assistance of my life coach).  For me this inner guidance has been invaluable.  It has deepened my relationships, brought focus to my work and personal life, given me clarity in making decisions, allows me to remain calm in stressful situations and has even improved my golf game!  By being connected to my true self I am also able to be authentic in all of my communications and this has been so important to me.  In the past I often felt shame, guilt, fear, resentment and anger at MYSELF but instead projected this onto others.  I often came away from interactions wishing I would have said something different or not said it at all.  Or in order to avoid having to look at my own issues I would just blame someone else.  None of this felt good and only made me feel less and less fulfilled. I am happy to say that now I quite often find myself feeling PROUD of the way I have handled situations and conversations and always come away feeling good.  And if I don’t feel good at least I know I have been authentic and had the best intention (sometimes people don’t like what your authentic self has to say-their problem not yours) and I am good with that too!  My religious sister would say that the Holy Spirit is working and speaking through me and she is right, (even though we have different words and beliefs) it is my own Holy Spirit, my beautiful soul that has been uncovered.  And when we are connected to our souls/true selves we become fulfilled in a way that elevates our energetic vibration and positively affects the whole world.  Do you want to connect to your true self?  Feel fulfilled and content?  Be able to fully access your own intuition?  Do you want to live in a peaceful space? Get quiet, relax and breathe, let your heart guide you and do one thing today that feels right just for you.  It is never too late to start your own journey. 
Join us!!

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