Thursday 17 October 2013

Letting Go . . . Revisited.

After my post on letting go, I received more repins of the quote I used than any other quote I have pinned (on Pinterest).  I subsequently posted another one –  
- which again had some of the most repins ever. It struck me that I am one of many people who struggle with letting go of what or whom does not serve us.  While I feel some comfort in knowing I am not alone, I find it sad that so many people are hanging onto things that hurt their heart and soul.

What is it that makes us do this? Is it the expectations of others? Of ourselves? Why and when did we create the belief that this is acceptable? Do we not feel worthy of happiness, peace and contentment?  There are so many questions and I know the answers are different for everyone, but the end result is the same.  If we do not find the answers for ourselves we will continue to struggle with “letting go”.  Maybe there is a clue in this quote:  
Accepting what was but not being attached to it will definitely lead the way. We need to appreciate the good that was in the relationship or situation and we need to acknowledge the bad, both in a factual unemotional way.  In my life I find this most difficult with the people and situations closest to me (as I would expect it is for most of you). So the method I have adopted to work with it is to change my thoughts. The thoughts in our mind create the feelings and emotions we have, so if we want to change these we first need to change our thoughts. When I find my mind obsessing about someone or something, first I acknowledge the overwhelming thoughts, I don’t judge them I just “see” that they are there.  Then I select thoughts of gratitude for the good in my life, thoughts of my faith in the Universe and that everything is as it should be and that all will work out as it should. Thoughts of how trying to “control” (or force as the quote above says) only causes me to suffer and thoughts of returning to that amazing feeling of peace and contentment.  On the days that I seem to be unable to do this, I let myself obsess while carefully watching and knowing that tomorrow will be a better day (and it always is).

I think the most important thing we all need to know about letting go, is that it is all up to us.  Every day, every minute we have a choice, if nothing else we have the choice to allow it to affect us or not.  The minute we give up our power to someone or something else we suffer. The minute we make the choice to change something in our lives, to no longer allow someone to treat us badly, or to LET GO of whatever hurts our heart and soul, then we have the freedom to pursue what does feed our heart and soul and opens up the space for the Universe to send it our way!
Update:  If you are struggling with letting go please read my new post "The Energy of Attraction" - November 6th, 2014.  My recent experience around letting go and releasing emotion was very powerful for me and may be of some help to you.  Whatever you are dealing with, I encourage you to keep seeking solutions because one day you will find the one that fits for you. . . and always remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  xo Tracy

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