Tuesday 27 August 2013


A few years ago when I was doing reflexology and detox foot spa treatments I received a call to see if I would come to an elderly ladies home as she was not very mobile.  I started visiting her once per week to see if the treatments would help with her mobility.  As I got to know her I told her about Louise Hay and her belief that every physical ailment is rooted in an emotional block.  She was definitely interested so I looked up her problem in my book and gave her the emotional cause and affirmation.  The next week when I saw her she told me that while she agreed with the emotional block she was physically unable to say the affirmation.  The words she was stuck on that would not come out of her mouth were – I DESERVE.  I remember thinking how sad this was and what must be going on for her that she was not even able to utter these words. 

Years later as I continue on my own journey I have come to realize that these words are also are very difficult for me to digest.  While I am able to intellectually say them, believe them and act on them, I now know that I do not always “feel” them at the core of my being.  What is it about our life experience that causes this?  At what age do we create this belief? I suppose it is different for everyone, and probably a culmination of many things over the years.  Many people will go through their whole lives feeling like they don’t deserve any good in their lives, that they must do for others what they are incapable of giving themselves and pushing down their own feelings of lack because they don’t want to confront the pain of looking into their own heart. If just reading this is bringing up any emotional reaction in you then you will know that you to are struggling with accepting that you do DESERVE. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be content, you deserve to have abundance and you deserve to be loved.  We all do!

I can tell you from my own experience that looking into your own heart to find the answers is not that bad. Ironically we spend a lot of time and energy trying to hide our insecurities but when you confront them they lose all of their power over you.  You will feel like you have been let out of a prison (a self imposed one) and will begin living from your authentic self.  The reality is we don’t want to look into our own souls because it is painful, but when we do, what we will see is the beautiful spirit that we all are. Say these words out loud with me right now:

“I release all of the past life experiences that have lived in my mind and put up barriers in my heart to fully accepting and loving myself.  I DESERVE all that is good in my life.”

Yes you do!!!   This journey has been so fulfilling and enlightening for me and I want to say thank you to each one of you for sharing it with me  . . . you are my inspiration!  Lets rock on!

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