Friday 10 October 2014

Those incessant THOUGHTS!

Oh what to do about all of those incessant thoughts, running our life, creating havoc all over the place.  And then followed by those intense feelings, taking over our hearts and our minds, making us say and do crazy things. Ah I know it so well as I am sure you do.  But do you remember what you were thinking or feeling at this exact moment, six months ago? how about 2 weeks ago? Probably not, I know I sure don't.  So why do we give these thoughts and feelings so much of our power?

I have been on this journey of self awareness for a few years, but I still get excited every time I am able to garner a little more insight into the oh so interesting workings of the human mind.  What I discovered or at least finally understood this week is that “thoughts” and “feelings” are just transient objects floating through my consciousness.  This realization was very helpful in letting go of some obsessive thinking I was engaging in.  When I said to myself “Tracy, these are just thoughts and feelings, they are not truths, they are not reality” I was freed from the hold they had on me. Thus I created the mantra below; to remind me when I catch my mind going off on an incessant thought tangent.  Hope it brings some freedom to you my lovely readers!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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