Tuesday 14 October 2014


   It is my birthday this week and I have been on this planet for 50 years – a half century! While things have not always been easy they have definitely been worth it.
   To Haley, Cole and Brent, thank you for letting me nurture our family unit – you know that’s what I love and live to do.  You keep me real!
   To my Mom, sisters and Aunty Corry – my sisterhood, you have known me the longest. Over the years sometimes we have been close and sometimes we have not, but I never doubted your love for one minute and always knew you were there for me when I needed you.
   To my inner circle (often referred to as my soul pod), thank you for calling me out when I needed it, but most of all thank you for supporting me no matter what.  You have accepted and loved me through the good and the bad.
   To my extended family, nieces, nephews, sisters and brothers in law, aunts, uncles and cousins, we are sewn together with the thread of family and what a spectacular patch work quilt we make.  Thank you for all of the joy you have brought me!
   To all of the beautiful souls who have graced my life with your presence, whether it was for an hour, a week or much longer I am privileged and honoured that you shared any time with me in this life.
   To my readers and supporters many of whom I have never met.  Thank you for allowing my words and stories into your lives.  If it was possible to meet you all and share some conversation I would so love that . . . maybe one day.
   It is my purpose in this lifetime to connect and share and I am so grateful to have had the past 50 years to live out this destiny.  Move over Betty White because I am going to give you a run for your money in the next 50!!

I am humbled by my life. Love, Tracy

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