Saturday 18 January 2014

Unique You.

On my journey to self love one of the most important things I needed to understand was just how unique I was.  For many of us who have perfectionist tendencies, we expect way more from ourselves than we do from others. Always comparing and judging ourselves by what we admire or appreciate about someone else.  We never give enough consideration to just how unique WE are and what WE have to offer. The reality is that there is not one other single human being on this planet that is exactly like us.  How awesome is that!  Here we are with this unique set of personality traits, talents and gifts and often hesitant to use them, let alone appreciate them.  So how can we embrace this? First of all we need to celebrate ourselves.  We need to put just as much importance on everything we do as we do for everyone else.  This means appreciating that we cooked a good meal, listened to a friend, gave a stranger directions, made a beautiful craft, shared a good story . . . All of these everyday life experiences are ours alone, no one else in the world does them in exactly the same way that we do.  Are you starting to get the picture?  Once we really feel and understand our uniqueness, then we will be able to continue on the path to self love. As we grow and learn we create the relationships and life that we all dream of.  This is what keeps me going and I so appreciate each and every one of your unique souls for joining me on this journey!!           

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