Thursday 12 December 2013

When life gives you lemons . . .

Make lemonade?....Easier said than done?

Sometimes those lemons are REALLY big and sometimes they are small or medium sized but just as bitter nonetheless. A few years ago I read a book by a 5 time cancer survivor and she said when she feels sorry for herself, she gives herself 24 hours for a pity party, then she picks herself up, makes the best of the situation and carries on.  I really liked this and have adopted it in my life.  Its okay to feel bad, to feel like nothing is working out, that only bad things are happening to us, no one is able to help or understand us.  So feel bad, but at some point in those 24 hours you need to start picking yourself up.  I start by listing all of the things I am grateful for, all of the good things and people in my life (even if it is only one thing or one person).  Then I think about all of the people in the world who are much worse off than me.  Watch the news if you need any inspiration for this!!  No matter what we are going through there is ALWAYS someone else who is experiencing something much harder, physically, mentally or emotionally. If by now you are still not feeling better then do something for someone else.  Visit someone who is lonely, drop off some items at the food bank, talk to a homeless person, buy someone a cup of coffee or post an inspirational quote on Facebook.  By now 24 hours should be up and it is a better day.  I always ask "what is the one thing you can do today to make this better?"  Doing one thing (no matter how small) each and every day to improve our situation will eventually allow us to look back and say "I did it or I survived it".  There is so much strength and grace in overcoming adversity.  Don't be afraid of it, stand up to it, challenge it and ultimately overcome it.  Then the next time life gives you lemons you will say "Lemonade Anyone?"
okay I know its an orange not a lemon!! 

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