Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Is needing acceptance making you invisible in the world?

This morning I was listening to a Jim Carrey speech on You Tube and he said something that struck me, he said “needing acceptance is making you invisible in the world”.  I am not sure why this spoke to me, but it reminded me of something I had also heard Dr Zach Bush, MD say about when he was working ER and they brought someone back to life, the first words out of that persons lips were always “why did you bring me back? I have never felt so loved and accepted”.

This led me to remember another thing I had heard as I was contemplating why it is so difficult for us to do things that are good and healthy for ourselves.  A teacher I follow said it is because we are taught at a very young age that what we do has more value if it is recognized by others. 

It got me thinking, what do these three memories have in common and what guidance are they here to provide me?

Perhaps what we are seeking from somewhere or someone outside of ourselves, we already have and just aren’t aware of it, and if so what are the barriers to seeing/experiencing it?

Maybe my purpose in the world is not to be the best person I can be, maybe I already am.

Maybe the person I am showing the world is not really my true self.

Maybe I am still a scared child waiting for repercussions.

Maybe it is only my minds perception that I am not accepted for who I really am.

Maybe I am already loved and accepted for exactly who I am, but my self doubt and judgement is making it impossible to feel.

Maybe if I get quiet and still enough, I will feel that love and acceptance.

Maybe if I turn off the constant self criticism, I will remove one barrier.

Maybe if I accept myself exactly as I am right now, I will remove another barrier.

And maybe if I love myself, despite my perceived mistakes, flaws, and judgements, past and present.

Then maybe, just maybe, I will remove one hell of a big barrier.

Maybe One just needs to have Faith!

 I’m sorry. 

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

I love you.

Friday, 25 September 2020

When is enough ENOUGH?

 Lately I have been contemplating the word “enough”, it originally came up to me when I became aware of my own behaviors and other peoples, that screamed “I am not enough”.  I found this sad; why do we all feel like we are not enough? Have enough? Do enough? Be enough?  I wondered; is this a human construct, a societal construct, a religious construct?

Why do people live in 100 million dollar houses while others live in garbage bins?

Why do we idolize movie stars, professional athletes, billionaires?

Why do people give up their own needs to constantly help others and turn them into projects?

Why do we want to make other people wrong and ourselves right?

Why are we dissatisfied with our work, our homes, our community, our world?

Why do we need to tell everyone what good we are doing, or post it on social media?

Why do we criticize and judge other people for the same insecurities that we do not want to admit to in ourselves?

Why do we overspend and then beat ourselves up for it later? Or hoard and stock up?

Why do we watch other people do good deeds and feel like we need to do the same or more?

Why are we in competition with others we see on social media or television, and constantly compare?

Why do we feel like if we have more money, travel more, shop more, have a different partner . . .  we will be happy?

When is enough ENOUGH?

What would happen if we all brought some awareness to this issue, could we slowly but surely become happy with what we have, where we live, who we are?

Would we stop judging, hoarding, comparing, overspending, indulging . . .  would we be happier, content, more peaceful?

Can we BE happy with “right now”, with “what we have”, with “who we are”?

When I can . . .  then enough will be ENOUGH for me.