This past weekend I attended a Buddhist meditation retreat
on Dream Yoga it was amazing! I had not sat with a teacher for a few years and
it was great to receive the wisdom and teachings. I will admit I went into it a little
hesitantly as I had not sat and I mean literally "sat" (you sit for
long periods of time in Buddhist meditation practice) for quite awhile. I am happy to report that I had no problems
at all with 9 hours (total, not in a row) of "sitting". All of my
trepidation was dispensed when Geshe YongDong began teaching, I was so
fascinated and eager to practice I forgot about my physical body pain.
(Although I did indulge in nightly epsom salt baths!!)
By the end of the weekend I was fully aware of why I
attended this retreat and had definitely received what was meant for me. So grateful for this! I am sure you will all receive my
interpretation of these teachings through my blog posts as time goes on, but I
did want to share one thing that struck me about the retreat. It became obvious during the discussion time
that each participant was at a different point on their spiritual journey
(which I also call my life journey as I feel it is one and the same). It was interesting how one person would ask a
question and when the Geshe did not fully understand it another person would
try and "interpret" it for him in a different way hoping it would
assist him. Because of this process I
believe everyone was able to squeeze just a little more out of the
teachings. It also made me realize that
the wisdom and knowledge that I have is very valuable as is the wisdom and
knowledge of everyone. We never know
when our way of saying something
will resonate with another and help them on their life journey. I have always been a believer that everyone
needs to find their own way to fulfillment, but I also know that we each have a
unique way in which we say/view/see/understand things. Many times the Geshe would say "this is
how I see it, or this is how I understand it, maybe that works for you, maybe
it doesn't" but the fact was that he was sharing it and I appreciated that
and got from it what I needed (based on the point that I am at). Speaking my truth and uncovering my authentic
self has been a journey for me and is a big reason why I started this blog. I have definitely come a long way which I am
grateful for and happy that this weekend reinforced to me why I need to
continue on this journey. I am using my
gift as a writer to share my experiences with you, maybe you will find them
helpful or maybe you won't. Maybe you will re read different posts and find new
meaning in them or maybe you won't. Either way you are here and present which
means you are on the path and interested,
which I so appreciate and honor. With that in mind, if at any time you
would like to ask me a question or run something by me that you are struggling
with, I will do my best to share with you what I know (email Maybe it will help you and
maybe it won't, no attachment :).
Thanks for the teaching Geshe YongDong!
Visit Geshe YongDong’s Tibetan Bon Buddhist Centre’s website at:
Thanks to Yoga MCC for hosting this event.